Unique Photobook Design and Photographic Treats

Personalize for Various members in the group

Travelling with friends? There's an easy way to create a special photo book for each individual (or family) without totally re-doing each book. At a given landmark(s), take individual pictures of each traveller. That picture can easily be slotted in for their "personal" copy of the book. That picture can also be used as the front inside page with their name.


Fonts Matter!!!!

Fonts are so often something people don't think about but can turn something ordinary into something special. There are two areas to address:
1. font used for captions and text
2. font used for title of book and any headers

First, addressing the inside of your book … if you use text, DON'T automatically use the default "Times New Roman". It's ordinary and boring. There are other fonts available within the software which are easier to read and much more interesting. As a rule, text should be 12 points and captions should be 9pt.

The title of your book is where font selection is critical. It should reflect the theme of the book. There are an incredible number of FREE fonts available on the web that you can search and find something to fit your theme. This, along with the design of the cover, is what makes your book really stand out!! I've included some samples of covers where the difference between a "stock" font (on the left) and a "custom' font (on the right) makes a world of difference!

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